blog use to blogroll
blogrool form wordprss html (code)
$options = get_option('widget_betterblogroll');
How to count your blogroll links (code)
$numlinks = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->links WHERE link_visible = 'Y'");
if (0 < $numlinks) $numlinks = number_format($numlinks);
echo $numlinks;
How do I make a blogroll on tumblr?
tips 1
1. Go to customize your blog
2. Click on 'Pages' then 'Add a page'
3. Under 'Page type' click 'Custom layout'
4. Enter the code at the bottom to where you would write the text
5. Name the page, add a name for the URL and tick the box 'Show a link to this page' then add a name for it again
6. Save the page and you should be good to go
<body BGCOLOR="000">
<center><h1><font face="MoolBoran"><font color="00A1FC">People I follow</font></font></h1>
<a href='{FollowedURL}'><img border='0' src='{FollowedPortraitURL-64}'></a>
Hope this helped (:
tips 2
Can someone please help me with my tumblr blogroll?…
i pasted the following code:
<a href=”{FollowedURL}”><img border=”0” src=”{FollowedPortraitURL-64}”></a>
tips 3
for five step
7 Tips for Successful Blogging & What is a Blogroll ! Blogroll Explained
$options = get_option('widget_betterblogroll');
How to count your blogroll links (code)
$numlinks = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->links WHERE link_visible = 'Y'");
if (0 < $numlinks) $numlinks = number_format($numlinks);
echo $numlinks;
How do I make a blogroll on tumblr?
tips 1
1. Go to customize your blog
2. Click on 'Pages' then 'Add a page'
3. Under 'Page type' click 'Custom layout'
4. Enter the code at the bottom to where you would write the text
5. Name the page, add a name for the URL and tick the box 'Show a link to this page' then add a name for it again
6. Save the page and you should be good to go
<body BGCOLOR="000">
<center><h1><font face="MoolBoran"><font color="00A1FC">People I follow</font></font></h1>
<a href='{FollowedURL}'><img border='0' src='{FollowedPortraitURL-64}'></a>
Hope this helped (:
tips 2
Can someone please help me with my tumblr blogroll?…
i pasted the following code:
<a href=”{FollowedURL}”><img border=”0” src=”{FollowedPortraitURL-64}”></a>
tips 3
for five step
1.Go to Customize > Pages > Add a page. | |
2.Now type in a link for the ‘Page URL’. Example: | |
3.For the ‘Page Type’ section, choose ‘Custom Layout’. | |
4.Now paste this code into the Custom HTML section | |
5.Save and click show link to page or put this <a href=””></a> | |
in your description |
7 Tips for Successful Blogging & What is a Blogroll ! Blogroll Explained
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